



  • Items sold based on reputation
  • Possiblity to add literally any item to be sold
  • Whitelisted items (if item is set as whitelisted police wont be alerted)
  • Random price for items
  • Option to increase pay based on time of day
  • Option to give small bands as payment instead of just cash
  • Allowed to sell only within the set zone (can add more if you like)
  • Each zone has a limit for amount of players allowed to sell in the area, if there are more than the limit of players in an area the price would be reduced
  • Option to use blip for buyers
  • Sends log to discord when player make a sale

24/7 Customer Support

We have a robust team of developers and support team to resolve any issues. Please follow instructions on your email to contact support team.

More Details

  • This product is FULLY OPEN SOURCE which means you can edit it however you like.
  • Updates are provided on your email and Downloads section in 'My Account' section.

We here at Tebex are dedicated to provide you with best experience.